RedGone is specifically formulated to target and eliminate red slime algae (cyanobacteria). 

RedGone is an easy, hassle free, economical and effective treatment for an otherwise challenging problem.

RedGone is formulated to target only red slime algae (cyanobacteria) and will not affect or treat other algae problem in the tank.

RedGone can remove all traces of cyanobacteria on live corals and rocks, as well as deposits anywhere else in your aquarium with a single treatment. 

  • Single unit treatment for up to 200 litres aquariums (additional treatment may be required for larger tank)
  • Reef & Coral safe; Fish safe; Invert safe
  • Safe for Nitrifying bacteria and macro algae
  • Bio-degradable - no need for additional water change, protein skimming or aeration prior, during or after treatment
  • Contains No Algaecides or Erythromycin Succinate
  • Does not contain copper
  • Will not discolour aquarium water, does not stain equipments
  • Complete lasting removal - actively kills all traces of red slime algae in aquarium and filters
  • Visible result within days of treatment

RedGone Plus

Extra Strength RedSlime Algae (Cyanobacteria) Remover 

Red Slime Algae can mostly be treated and kept under control by regular RedGone. 

However, in some situation where the original attack was long standing and deeper substrate within the aquarium had been affected, the problem can return after effective treatment and persist.

RedGone - Plus  is specifically formulated to tackle such challenging problem in a mature well setup aquarium. It attacks cyanobacteria in a way similar to our regular RedGone but the additional ingredients ensure the treatment penetrates deep into the substrates and remove any hidden cyanobacteria within. 


RedGone Triple

Triple dose regular RedGone, treat up to 600 litres aquariums.

PureBlue is specifically formulated to target and eliminate blue green algae (cyanobacteria).

It is often difficult to distinguish between cyanobacteria and other algae without looking at it under a microscope. Normal cyano remover will have no effect on normal green algae. PureBlue can also target and retard growth of most nuisance algae.

PureBlue can remove all traces of cyanobacteria on plants, decorations and rocks, as well as deposits anywhere else in your aquarium with a single treatment. 

  • Single unit treatment for up to 200 litres (additional treatment may be required for larger tank)
  • Plant and Fish safe; Invert safe
  • Safe for Nitrifying bacteria and macro algae
  • Bio-degradable - no need for additional water change, protein skimming or additional aeration prior, during or after treatment
  • Contains No Algaecides or Erythromycin Succinate (or any other Erythromycin derivatives)
  • Does not contain copper
  • Will not discolour aquarium water, does not stain equipments
  • Complete lasting removal - actively kills all traces of blue green algae in aquarium and filters
  • Visible result within days of treatment


PureBlue - Plus  is specifically formulated to tackle challenging algae problem in a mature well setup aquarium. New formula now will tackle majority of plant algae including green hair algae & bubble algae in fresh and salt water aquarium in a way similar to our regular PureBlue but the additional ingredients ensure the treatment penetrates deep into the substrates and remove any hidden cyanobacteria within. 



PureBlue Triple

Triple dose regular PureBlue, treat up to 600 litres aquariums.


There are a number of diseases affecting fish in domestic aquariums. Most commonly Ick and Velvet. They can be very contagious and tend to have a greater impact on fish that are already stressed or injured.
Aquarium additives can still be effective if administered before the diseases started to affect the internal organs. Therefore it is often wise to keep one available to hand and administer it as soon as any sign of disease is present rather than waiting for confirmation, by which time it could be too late.
ParaGone is an easy, hassle free, economical and effective aquarium additive for an otherwise potentially challenging problem.
ParaGone can inhibit infestation deposited anywhere else in your aquarium with a single treatment.
Supplied in soluble powder form to make up treatment solution.
Single treatment enough for up to 200 litres aquarium.

ParaGone Triple

Triple dose ParaGone, treat up to 600 litres aquariums.

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